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This is a Prayer movement. This is a Justice movement.

This is a Healing movement. This is a Restoration movement.




This is a Worship movement.

Restoration and Reconciliation

​I currently serve on the Mobilization team of Civil Righteousness - which pursues reconciliation and restorative justice through spiritual, cultural and economic renewal ( as a movement of righteousness, with justice.


For the Austin area: I am stewarding a grassroots movement mobilizing among the body of Christ in the Austin area for restorative justice and reconciliation through awareness, rooted in prayer and informed by Scripture and history, engagement at physical places of pain; restoration & rebuilding of the desolate places; embracing the Arts and Creativity, as image bearers of the Creator, as a tool for healing and transformation. 


The vision is for the releasing of every ethnicity as carrying a unique expression of God’s glory, unlocking the sound of the land, restoring identity, dignity, livelihood, opportunity, hope, and destiny in places of loss and denigration.


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