I first wrote the post below on 5-1-2020 and see its relevance afresh now. It speaks of hope and God moving in our midst in His intent to form His holy family in worship, even through the challenges we’ve faced and challenges with even meeting in person over the years. There’s an inheritance and access that we have that is key.
But I think I might add to it, that beyond the place of coming before the Lord in worship and our access to God through Jesus, individually and communally, and the many manifestations and implications of that, that “Lament” is also something we’ve been beckoned to step into, learn and embrace, definitely here in the US.
The Psalmists, including David certainly knew how to lament, as well as praise. Sometimes there were no words or there were no easy answers. Yet there is much place and space for tears, for so many reasons and levels. (And on this, Dr. Soong-Chan Rah has a great book called “Prophetic Lament”).
God spoke a hard word through Amos in Amos 6 – of those who sat at ease in the midst of their situation but had not grieved the ruin of Joseph. (And before this in Chapter 5, God has something to say about worship that’s disconnected with things he cares about, like righteousness and justice.) He draws us near to His heart. May we embrace what is on Father’s heart and may our love for God and for those around us abound still more and more.
There is a tremendous inheritance and understanding for the earth and all those who call on the name of the Lord, of the tabernacle of David and its revolutionary unending sound of praise and worship to the Lord. It was established openly unto the Lord before all the people with unceasing adoration, creativity, prophecy, instrumentation, with celebration, declaration, intimacy, right in the midst of the center of government in Jerusalem for 33 years as a peek into the New Covenant.
We’re thousands of years past that singular expression in the holy city and Christ has now come in the flesh for the first time, but this same spirit of that tabernacle, a holy nation (made of all nations), individual families together as a holy global family, and a Kingdom, a government with a singular King of all Kings, as a royal called out assembly with authority, the ekklesia, is manifesting more and more.
Even as gatherings happen in homes, public places and over the internet in these days the Lord continues to restore this same spirit that inspired the heavenly open worship of the mobile tabernacle that anyone, anywhere can partake in, a worship in spirit and in truth. And it’s for every tribe, language, nation and people, each age range, to be expressed in many different styles and ways, in buildings and out of buildings, missional and with the heart for justice in the earth but all as a sweet fragrance unto the King. Day and night incense will arise in every place, from the rising of the sun until it’s setting. We are seeing it unveil more before our eyes even amidst the ruins, pains and challenges. I continue to get my mind blown in understanding more of this but I do see it manifesting. The tabernacle of David is one part of the great inheritance left to us by those who went before us as Father now builds us into a holy, living temple unto the Lord.
Psalm 110: 1-3
The Lord says to my Lord:
“Sit at My right hand
Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.”
The Lord will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying,
“Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”
Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power;
In holy array, from the womb of the dawn,
Your youth are to You as the dew.”
Clinton L Scroggins